Program committee

Name Affiliation
Vincent Aleven CMU
Ryan Baker Columbia
Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University
Sumit Basu Microsoft
Joseph Beck Worcester Polytechnic
Ben Bederson University of Maryland
Andrew Bernat CRA
Marie Bienkowski SRI
Gautam Biswas Vanderbilt
Karen Brennan Harvard Graduate School of Education
Emma Brunskill CMU
Sidney D'Mello Notre Dame
Doug Fisher Vanderbilt
Dan Garcia UC Berkeley
Lee Giles PSU
Irene Greif IBM
Philip Guo University of Rochester
Björn Hartmann UC Berkeley
Marti Hearst Berkeley
Cindy Hmelo-Silver U. Indiana
David Karger MIT
Gregor Kiczales chair U. British Columbia
Juho Kim MIT
Rene Kizilcec Stanford
Scott Klemmer UCSD
Ken Koedinger CMU
Janet Kolodner Georgia Tech (retired)
Chinmay Kulkarni Stanford
Alan Lesgold UPitt
Colleen Lewis Harvey Mudd
John Mitchell Stanford
Dave Pritchard MIT
Jeremy Roschelle SRI
Carolyn Rosé CMU
Dan Russell chair Google
Mehran Sahami Stanford
Ted Testing chair Testing U
Candace Thille Stanford
Beverly Woolf chair U Mass